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  • Writer's picturePamela Myers Palmer

The Psalms: Worship

Field of flowers with the title, The Psalms: Worship

"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care." Psalm 95:6-7

In each psalm, regardless of what the Psalmist just wrote or what comes next, there's usually worship involved. The Psalmist may have just pleaded with God, or expressed anger or doubt. But then there's a shift, and in the next line, rather than walking away chained to pain and letdown, giving up on the Lord, or losing faith, the Psalmist bows down to worship. And this is a lesson we all desperately need.

When we're honest with God, what follows is worship. We can bare our souls, we can admit our shame and mistakes, we can approach God as sinners with fears and anxiety. And then, begin to worship Him. It is when we worship that healing happens, breakthrough comes, deliverance takes place, encouragement touches your heart, light shines into your darkest moments. Worship brings stability to our emotions and makes room for joy and restoration. Worship is how you'll keep the enemy under your feet and off your back.

When you're keeping it real with God, and you know He loves you for who you are, you can worship Him. Worship because He will be right there with you in your trials. Worship because He will guide you through the murky waters. Worship because He will give you strength to overcome your greatest obstacles. Worship because He will give you peace and hope when the road ahead is unknown.

If we're honest, there are times when we struggle to make time for worship beyond the Sunday morning church experience, right? The enemy will distract us with whatever it takes to keep us from worshiping. Take a moment to reflect... what keeps you from being able to worship God every day? Busyness? Other priorities? Disappointments? Lack of faith? Whatever your reasons, I encourage you to set them aside for just a moment each day, so you can worship.

If you're ready to worship, here are three ways to begin making this part of your spiritual life:

1. Start with the Psalms - use the words of the Psalms as your prayers and words of worship. Let them become the meditations of your own heart and thoughts. God delights in this time spent with you.

2. Set aside time each day - the morning, late at night, on your break (or when the kids are napping), or throughout the day as you do your tasks. Make worship a priority everyday and it will become part of your lifestyle. And you'll notice incredible change!

3. Stay guarded - when we pursue God, the enemy notices. Be sure to cover yourself and your family in prayer as you spend more time worshiping the Lord. He will be with you and watch over you. You will find blessing for your obedience and deepening your relationship with Jesus.

Worship is vital for the believer. It is a channel of reprieve, strength, clarity and breakthrough. There is truly no season or circumstance, even if we think there is, that should deter us from worshiping our good and faithful God. Like the Psalmist, worship when you're waiting for the answer. Worship when you've been hurt. Worship when you're feeling panicked or depressed. Worship when you feel like the walls are caving in. Worship when you're afraid or doubting. Worship and worship again. You'll soon notice how your outlook will begin to change, that you will feel stronger and more equipped, and how dwelling in the presence of the Lord refreshes you in ways that nothing else can.

This Week’s Reading Plan

As you read the following passages this week, ask yourself these questions:

1) What verse comforts me that I can commit to memory?

2) What word or phrase stands out?

3) What am I learning about God from this?

4) How can I apply this to my life today?

Helpful Hints: Screenshot or Save, and Share with your BFF!

Author: Pamela Palmer



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